Dam Rehabilitation

Soláň · Czechia · Water Retaining Structures

Products Used

Project Description

This dam located in Solán, Czech Republic had been significantly damaged by environmental factors such as cyclical freeze/thaw and required repair and rehabilitation.

It was essential that all structures were firstly cleaned of all degraded, damaged, and loose elements. Due to the amount of damage, it was necessary in some parts of the dam to remove large sections of the existing concrete. Manorteq products were chosen due to their ability to be applied at greater thicknesses than traditional mortars, whilst also offering waterproofing and chemical protection.

Where greater thicknesses of Manorteq products would be required, holes were drilled and anchors were fitted to install conventional concrete reinforcement nets.

Where necessary, local reprofiling was undertaken and then full area reprofiling was carried out using Manorteq ReadyProof in the formwork (at the head of the walls) and Manorteq AquaRend Thix as a mortar. Due to the condition of the substrate, a 3rd party bonding agent was considered as important.